Remember what Schwarzenegger said at the Republican Convention (August 31, 2004):
“’Listening to Nixon speak sounded more like a breath of fresh air. I said to my friend, I said, ‘What party is he?’ My friend said, ‘He's a Republican.’ I said, ‘Then, I am a Republican.’"
Fast forward to this week. According to the San Bernardino County Sun, teachers who thought they were on the “guest list” to attend the Governor’s phony town hall were turned away because they were on a “list.” A list managed by Republican activists.
Is there a Chuck Colson running around the Governor’s office? (
From the San Bernardino County Sun (April 28, 2005):
“Numerous teachers said their names were on the guest list, but they were turned away after their affiliation with the teachers' union became known.
‘Boy, am I mad,’ Fontana teacher Kathleen Casas said, stomping along the dusty side of the road where protesters banged drums and chanted slogans.
‘I know my name was on the list because they went like this,’ Casas said, mimicking someone running their finger along a number of names. Her finger stopped mid-air.
‘They said, ‘Oh, Kathy Casas, here you are.’’
Casas, along with about 14 other teachers were not allowed into the event despite being on the invite list, Linda M. Young, president of the Fontana Teachers Association, said inside the steel company.
‘I saw the list. Their names were on it,' she said.
‘All I can say is that there were some people who were mistakenly put on the list,' said Adam Aleman, executive director of the San Bernardino County Republican Party.
Aleman was manning the entry gate along with two volunteers. He directed all other questions to Brad Mitzelfelt, chief of staff for Bill Postmus, chairman of the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors and chairman of the county Republican Party.”
We have a few questions:
Since when are teachers considered a threat to the Governor?
Why are Republican activists in charge of these gubernatorial events?
Who is in charge of these “enemies” lists?
Are these county and state employees using their vacation time to help organize these campaign-style events?
We are sure that that Chairman of the San Bernardino County Republican Party will be able to answer all of these questions:
Supervisor Bill Postmus - 1st District (Chairman)
Main OfficeCounty Government Center 385 N. Arrowhead Ave., 5th Fl. San Bernardino, CA 92415-0110 (909) 387-4830
Bill Postmus is a Bush Campaign “Maverick.” A “Maverick is an under-40 Bush supporter who raised $50,000 for the Bush campaign.
According to the Riverside Press Enterprise (June 4, 2004):
“Postmus is a Maverick. He said he received an e-mail about a meeting led by Bush campaign manager Ken Melman in Los Angeles for donors under 40. Postmus is 33. Postmus pulled out his telephone donor list and in about a month raised $ 58,000 for a March 3 fund-raiser at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. "It's a little more challenging," he said. "For my own campaign, we don't have contribution limits. We can raise unlimited amounts of money. It's a little more of a challenge to go out and look for more people.”