Thursday, April 07, 2005


The Los Angeles Times’ George Skelton today reports that a new poll shows “fewer than half of Californians now approve of the way the governor is handling his job, a sharp decline since January.” (

Hmmm, what happened in January? Oh yeah, that’s when Arnold the consensus builder became Arnold the partisan politician.

His Republican advisers are deluding themselves into thinking the governor’s slide in public and private polls is anything less than a rejection of the arrogant partisan politics being practiced in 2005 by Schwarzenegger and his surrogates.

Instead of being a Politician and embarking on the Permanent Campaign, the governor ought to return his focus to the job for which he was elected, governing.

One of his spokespeople declared to the Times that the governor’s “strength comes from being out there with the people.”

The People? What people? The Chamber of Commerce-picked “Kitchen Cabinet” participants? The Fat Cat corporate contributors at his recurrent nationwide fundraisers? The staff at his Idaho or Hawaii retreats?

The real people Schwarzenegger should be worried about are the millions of working Californians his bought-and-paid-for-by-the-Chamber-of-Commerce agenda is alienating.

Perhaps feeling some of this pressure, Governor Schwarzenegger today decided to drop his flawed pension “reform” initiative while, of course, still denying there was anything wrong with it.

In his remarks today, the governor threatened, “…our pension reform proposal will go to the ballot in June 2006, and we will win because that’s what the people demand.”

That’s unfortunate. The sooner the governor realizes the “people” he talks to at his fundraisers, staged campaign events and at Chamber meetings are not representative of average Californians, the sooner we can get to addressing the real problems facing our state: Education, Transportation, Healthcare and the Environment.



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