Friday, April 22, 2005

Schwarzenegger’s Triple Lindy on Immigration

The Governor’s office is in full retreat after his Wilsonian slip yesterday in response to a reporter’s question on immigration:

“It's a federal issue and the only thing I can say to add to this is: close the borders. Close the borders in California and all across -- within Mexico and the United States. Because I think it is just unfair to have all those people coming across and have the borders open the way it is -- to have this kind of a lax situation.”

Was this just another slip of the tongue or another attempt by the Governor to pander?

CNN’s Casey Wian today noted that it’s difficult to tell where Schwarzenegger really stands on immigration because “his positions have been all over the map.” In fact, the Governor’s positions on immigration resemble Rodney Dangerfield’s fictional dive, the Triple Lindy, from 1986’s “Back to School.” But unlike the movie, Schwarzenegger doesn’t need an extra springboard for his triple flips.

Consider that as a candidate Arnold had a different take on immigrants when he appeared at a candidate debate during the recall. In response to a question about the driver’s license bill Schwarzenegger stated that he opposed the bill, but went on to say: Let's get them visas. Let's get them temporary working permits… Let's get them permanent working permits. (Recall Debate, Cal. State U. at Sacramento Sep 24, 2003)

So which is it? “Let’s get them visas” or “close the borders” or “I meant securing?”

For a governor who has been conspicuously absent on the immigration debate during his time in office to now advocate “closing the borders” was a bit of a surprise. But his flip-flops are not. Remember that the day after dropping the flawed pension reform plan the Governor went on right-wing talk radio and declared it as a “victory,” said he wasn’t dropping it at all, just delaying, and pledged to keep fighting.

The next time we hear the Governor on talk radio will we hear him praising the Minuteman Projects as “patriots” or will we hear him praising Mexico for its vacation spots and trade potential?



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