Tuesday, May 03, 2005


After listening to both the Governor and his bag-man Alan Zaremberg cry poor and moan about the unanswered attacks on the Gov’s flawed agenda, it’s time to set the record straight. On top of his non-stop free media exposure, the Governor and his allies have been running TV and radio ads as far back as December.

Back on December 7, 2004 the LA Times reported that the CA Healthcare Association launched a 30 second “educational” spot thanking Governor Schwarzenegger, “on behalf of nurses, doctors and other caregivers who treat patients every day.” According to reports the ad would run for two weeks in the top media markets across the state.

Education Reform
In February, “the governor's campaign team has released the text and sound of a radio ad they have begun airing to counter the CTA's campaign.” (Sacramento Bee, Weintraub, 2/24/05) http://www.joinarnold.com/video/truth_telling_teachers.mp3 - Paid for by the California Recovery Team.

In mid-March the California Republican Party launched a multi-million dollar media buy to “set the record straight on school reform”. The ad prominently featured the Governor to camera making his pitch. (March 17, 2005 – CA Republican Party press release). This media campaign was statewide and followed with a radio spot highlighting the same message and paid for by the California Recovery Team
http://www.joinarnold.com/video/teachers.mov - Paid for by the CA Republican Party.

Petition Drive
In early March, “Citizens to Save California, a business group supporting Schwarzenegger's ‘reform’ agenda, launched a television ad urging people to sign petitions to qualify the group's -- and Schwarzenegger's -- favored initiatives.” (San Jose Mercury News, March 8, 2005) The ad also prominently featured Schwarzenegger. http://www.citizenstosaveca.org/video/better_place_06.wmv,
http://www.citizenstosaveca.org/video/harassment.mp3 - Paid for by Citizens to Save California

Pension Reform
In addition, as the Governor continued to get hammered for his flawed pension initiative the California Recovery Team launched a statewide radio ad in an attempt to defend his initiative. (LA Daily News, April 17, 2005) http://www.joinarnold.com/video/pensionreform.mp3

Budget Reform
Yesterday the Governor’s launched another “Statewide TV Ad Blitz” pitching his latest spot that is full of sound bites and short on details. According the California Recovery Team press release, “the spot, which features Schwarzenegger talking directly to voters, is set to begin running today in all major markets.” The ad is paid for and produced by the California Recovery Team. http://www.joinarnold.com/video/arnold_cafeteria.mov

The Governor and his allies have spent millions on statewide media campaigns pushing his agenda and what do they have to show for it? - Sinking poll numbers and an administration in disarray. Maybe it’s time the Governor’s political “gurus” admit that the Governor’s approval rating continues to slide because Californians aren’t buying the flawed initiatives and agenda he’s trying to sell them.


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