Friday, October 14, 2005

Schwarzenegger Hires a Right-Wing Spotter

Hey, guess what? The Schwarzenegger camp has a problem with the right-wing conservatives. So what do they do? Hire a guy whose claim to fame was lobbying for an ultra-right wing organization and convincing conservatives that George Bush wasn’t too much of a centrist!

According to the L.A. Times, the CA Republican Party has hired religious right political consultant Gary Marx to head the charge on the Schwarzenegger-backed Prop 73.

Marx most recently worked to build evangelical support for President Bush as “a top liaison to social conservatives in [Bush’s] reelection campaign” (L.A. Times, October 13, 2005).

Now the Governor has hired Marx to build a similar support network for Prop. 73, hoping against hope that the anti-choice initiative will draw high numbers of conservative voters who will stick around at the polls long enough to support the rest of Schwarzenegger’s failed agenda.

After taking a look at Marx’s résumé, we’re not sure he will ever venture too far out of Orange County. For example, Marx was a lobbyist for the Virginia Family Foundation, a conservative group that fought stem cell research, supports school vouchers, and helped pass a law banning domestic partnerships. (

Perhaps the L.A. Times says it best: “The moves to align Schwarzenegger with religious conservatives are inherently awkward; he vaulted into the governor's office partly on the strength of his reputation as a social moderate who supports abortion rights.”

That was a long time ago. Now, as his campaign efforts become more desperate, Team Schwarzenegger continues to sail farther and farther to the right, blown off course by the hot air coming from Pete Wilson and his former staffers.

All this does is serve to remind California voters that Governor Schwarzenegger is just like so many of his recent movies: lots of hype and glamour, but you just don’t get what you paid for.


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