Why is the Governor trying to cloak appointing a political crony in the devastating tragedy suffered by others?
Last week, Schwarzenegger appointed “San Diego GOP Chairman Ron Nehring on the state Board of Forestry and Fire Protection…. [Nehring is] heir apparent to become chairman of the California Republican Party. He is a senior consultant for Americans for Tax Reform, an organization headed by national anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist.”
(San Diego Union-Tribune, July 18, 2005)
Environmentalists say “there is nothing on Nehring's résumé to suggest that he has knowledge of forestry issues.” (San Diego Union-Tribune, July 18, 2005)
According to a spokesperson in the Governor’s Office, “The governor appoints the most qualified individuals to each position. In this case, he appointed [Nehring] because of his personal experience and unique perspective….As a recent fire victim, Mr. Nehring brings an interest and passion to fire protection and to forestry issues.” (San Diego Union-Tribune, July 18, 2005)
Huh? Nehring’s “personal experience” was NOT having his house burn down while his neighbors’ homes were reduced to cinders. (Unless you include his
“singed tree”)
Based on the Governor’s criteria, he could have appointed someone with more “personal experience.” For instance, Nehring’s neighbor, whose house actually burnt down,
(Letter from Ron Nerhing, Undated,) or any other victim of the 2003 Cedar blaze “that destroyed more than 2,200 homes in San Diego County.” (San Diego Union-Tribune, March 11, 2005)
These “recent fire victim[s]" would also bring “an interest and passion to fire protection and to forestry issues."
It’s clear this appointment was based purely on political considerations. This is an insult to the victims of the 2003 Cedar fire.
P.S. Need more proof the Governor is insulting fire victims? Look no further than his vetoes of legislation recommended by his own blue-ribbon commission to fight forest fires!
“State and local firefighters and chiefs who gathered [October 19, 2004] to discuss last year's wildfires blasted Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, saying he has not done enough to provide the equipment and staffing needed to battle a fire disaster…. [M]any of the fire officials who spoke at the hearing complained that most of the 48 suggestions of a blue-ribbon commission appointed by Schwarzenegger had been not been implemented.… the governor vetoed five bills in the last year intended to implement some of the panel's key recommendations.” (Los Angeles Times, October 20, 2004)