Latest Poll Shows California Voters Want All Children Covered By Health InsuranceA poll commissioned by the California Endowment and released today shows that Californians want all children to have health insurance. According to the poll, almost 90% of California voters identify the lack of quality health care for children as a serious problem and almost 80% support a plan to “ensure that every child in California has health insurance.”
Just 18 months ago, then candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger pledged to make children’s health care a priority. Here are his words from the September 24, 2003 debate at CSU Sacramento:
“It's important that we take care of our children. We have to make sure that every child in California is insured. I'm very passionate about children's issues. We have to take care of our children and our seniors [because] they cannot fend for themselves. The children, we have a Healthy Family Program here in California. It's a very, very good program. It's supposed to insure people to get health care, for children and also for their parents if they're low-income people. The only problem with the program right now is only 2/3 of the people that are eligible are not having that health care. And because the government has not done a good job of reaching out and finding the people and letting them know to sign up and to find easy ways for them to sign up. And so that is really terrible. I will immediately go out there and promote it, and market it and get it out there, so everyone knows about it and everyone signs up, because we must insure our families, the low-income families, especially the children.”
So, what has he done? His first budget would have capped enrollment in Healthy Families coverage to deny over 114,000-159,000 children of low-income families basic health coverage in the first year. Currently, 300,000 children up to 250% of the federal poverty level are eligible but not enrolled.
To date Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has not held a single event promoting the Healthy Families program…
Haynes’ Version of the Absentee Voter ProgramAre taxpayers getting their money’s worth from Assemblymember Ray Haynes? Haynes is drawing fire for failing to appear for a single meeting of the Assembly Budget Subcommittee he was assigned to last year, according to records from the Assembly Budget Committee.
One would think it would be hypocritical to bill yourself as tough on state spending and then not to even show up for work. Sounds like Haynes is more showhorse than workhorse.
The Assembly Budget Committee is responsible for the writing of the state’s budget. It has five subcommittees that tackle portions of the budget. Haynes served on the subcommittee that focused on health and human services. According to committee records, Haynes did not attend any of the dozens of meetings the committee held, and failed to cast a single vote in subcommittee. Haynes was not reappointed to the Budget Committee this year.
Arnold’s Kitchen Cabinet Has No ShelvesWe hear Governor Schwarzenegger is heading to Fresno tomorrow to meet with another Chamber of Commerce-selected group of “average” citizens. Last week, the Governor met with his “kitchen cabinet” in Long Beach where the Chamber-selected “average” citizens asked him about such urgent issue items as reapportionment and merit pay. That’s funny, the most pressing issues in LA County, according to the most recent PPIC survey are crime and gangs, education funding and transportation. In Fresno, the most pressing issues are air pollution, jobs, growth and gangs. How much you want to bet the questions out of Fresno will mirror the Governor’s initiative agenda?
Anyone Remember That Sweeping Reform Agenda?Just over 18 months ago, Arnold Schwarzenegger announced his sweeping political reform proposals. At the time candidate Schwarzenegger said, “The people of this state do not trust their government. They feel it is corrupted by dirty money, closed doors and backroom deals. They see the contributions go in, the favors go out, and they get punished with wasteful spending and high taxes. For democracy to be strong, we must bring the trust back to government,”
According to official Join Arnold campaign documents, the proposal included a complete Fundraising Blackout which would cover the governor, the lieutenant governor, and all members of the Legislature and prohibit any campaign fundraising.
The blackout period would run from the day the governor submits his budget proposal to the Legislature to the day the budget is signed and certified as balanced by the state controller.
“It’s no coincidence that during the budget season from January to the summer is when the Sacramento politicians raise their money,” Schwarzenegger said. “As governor, I will ban all fundraising by state officials during the budget process.” (Join Arnold Press Release - September 18, 2003 Schwarzenegger Lays Out Agenda for Sweeping Political Reform in Sacramento)
Just as he doesn’t consider himself a politician, I guess he doesn’t consider himself to be a state official.
Since unveiling his budget in January, The Governor has traveled to New York and Washington, DC to attend fundraisers hosted by corporate executives and drug company CEO’s and raised over a million dollars into his campaign committees.
Californians for Schwarzenegger - 2006 $818,700
Schwarzenegger's California Recovery Team $304,900
He has another fundraiser tonight in Irvine. Doing the “people’s business” for sure.